Contact Us

Phone: (+370)42413563 (toll free)
(+370)42413563 (toll free)
Customer Service Phone hours:
Monday to Friday from 10AM-5PM EST
Monday to Friday from 7AM-2PM PST

Email: [email protected]
Customer Service Email/ Chat hours:
Monday to Friday from 9AM-5PM EST
Monday to Friday from 6AM-2PM PST.
We do not have customer service on the weekends.

Business Address:
Kalvarijų g. 143Vilnius LT-08352 Lithuania

*Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, we are currently unable to accept phone calls. However, you may leave a voicemail detailing your concerns.
Our dedicated team will ensure that your queries are addressed promptly via email.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience and understanding